
Great times for board game publisher Goliath

December is always a great month for board game publisher Goliath, who became big with Rummikub. Non-digital games do very well in the cold winter months. “We do see that the sales of non-digital games are increasing these months,” says founder Adi Golad. “People return to board and card games, despite the wide range of available digital games.”

Golad saw the sales of his board games rapidly decrease over several years. But there is an upside to this as well. “People are playing games more than before. That is partly thanks to the games on mobile phones because you can always have them with you.” Goliath therefore moves with the times. In July, they launched the digital version of Triominos, which is now one of the most played digital games on mobile phones.


Golad personally prefers non-digital games. He is convinced that Analog Games teach players valuable skills: “A board game is life in a nutshell: You learn to think, waiting for your turn, collecting, handling emotions. Something like the newly released Schetenjacht can’t be imitated digitally.”

Another explanation for the continued popularity of board games according to Golad is the good relationship between price and quality. “For the money normally spent on a single night at the cinema, you can have many years of board game fun.”

Goliath grew in the last twenty years to become one of the biggest international names in the games market. The company sells games in the US, Australia and Canada. Last year Golad bought the American Pressman Toy Corporation, known for games such as Mastermind and Triominos.

However, the success of a game remains difficult to estimate in advance. “Most of the games don’t survive their third year”. The survival of Goliath is therefore mainly due to their so-called ‘evergreens’ (classics that always sell well). “In the Netherlands that is Rummikub, but also in Germany, Spain and the US, we have built ‘evergreens’. Because of this we are in a strong position.”

Get your copy of Rummikub, or Triominos on Amazon.

Source: Telegraaf/Frans Paalman

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16 responses to “Great times for board game publisher Goliath


شركة تنظيف في المدينة المنورة هي شركة متخصصة في تقديم خدمات التنظيف المتنوعة للمنازل والمكاتب والمؤسسات في المدينة المنورة. تعتبر هذه الشركات أداة حيوية للمساعدة في الحفاظ على بيئة نظيفة وصحية في المجتمع.تقدم شركات التنظيف في المدينة المنورة مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات، بما في ذلك تنظيف المنازل والشقق بشكل دوري أو عند الحاجة، وتنظيف المفروشات والسجاد والموكيت، وتنظيف واجهات المباني والزجاج، وخدمات تنظيف المكاتب والمحلات التجارية.تعتمد شركات التنظيف في المدينة المنورة على فرق مدربة ومحترفة، واستخدام معدات ومواد تنظيف عالية الجودة لضمان تقديم خدمات ذات جودة عالية وتلبية احتياجات العملاء. يهدفون إلى توفير بيئة نظيفة وصحية للعملاء، مما يساهم في تعزيز جودة حياتهم وصحتهم.باختصار، تلعب شركات تنظيف المدينة المنورة دورًا مهمًا في توفير خدمات تنظيف عالية الجودة للمجتمع المحلي، وتساهم في تحقيق بيئة نظيفة وجذابة للمنازل والأعمال في المدينة.
شركات تنظيف بالمدينه


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